MATA International Horse Riding Festival kicks off in Morocco

The president of the MATA International Equestrian Festival says that the program for this year's edition will be rich in competitions and performances by MATA horses and riders.

LARACHE - The 12th edition of The MATA International Horse Riding Festival kicked off Friday in the village of Zniyed, commune of Larbaa de Ayacha, in the provincial district of Moulay Abdessalam Ben Machich, province of Larache.

The festival, which is held under the High Patronage of King Mohammed VI, is organized in a special context consisting of the consecration of the integration of MATA intangible heritage into the World Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ICESCO.

Nabil BARAKA, the President of the MATA festival declared that this consecration was achieved thanks to the King’s Patronage during all editions of the festival, and that the safeguarding of Morocco's intangible heritage, including the MATA festival, came to fruition under the aegis of the King affirming in his directives that “Culture is not only the expression of a creative genius, but also a reflection of the civilizational dynamics that gave it birth.”

“It is, even more, a vital necessity of our daily life. Viatic for the soul and the spirit, culture provides a bridge between the past and the present and allows individuals to be anchored to their social environment.[..]” - Extract from the message from King Mohammed IV addressed to participants in the 17th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage

The safeguarding of MATA heritage is also a continuation of the important approach initiated by Hadj Mohamed Baraka, Dean of the Alamiyine chorfas, and the late Sidi Abdelhadi Baraka Naquib of the Alamiyine chorfas.

BARAKA, underlined that the integration of the MATA intangible heritage, in the ICESCO list on behalf of the Kingdom of Morocco, is a great historical event, achieved thanks to the High Royal Patronage, as well as of the support of the festival's partners in its various cultural, economic and social spaces and, constitutes a deserved consecration of the MATA riders and the JEBALA regions who have promoted this rich and varied ancestral cultural heritage.

The president of the festival also highlighted the distinction recently awarded in Seville, Spain, at the Mata International Horse Riding Festival, namely the prize of the Spanish historian, politician and writer Emilio Castellar, this recognition was bestowed by the great efforts made by the festival to promote the rapprochement of cultures between civilizations and nations.

The award was received by Baraka, president of the Alamia Association, in the presence of major personalities and international organizations as recognition of the cultural and national achievements of the late Sidi Abdelhadi Baraka, Dean of the Alamiyin chorfas.

He further emphasized the attachment to the spiritual tradition that the festival perpetuates for the Chorfas Alamiyines and the followers of the Tarika Machichiya Chadiliya, inspiring men of thought, religion, culture, art and political, present during this festival, to spread the values bequeathed by the great Quotb Moulay Abdeslam Ibn Machich in the world, while inviting a prayer for peace, in zones of conflict and war, particularly between the Palestinians and the Israelis, Ukrainians and Russians, while affirming that the Chorfas Alamiyines and the followers of the Tarika Machichiya Chadiliya, are under the guidance of King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful.

Baraka also indicated that the program for this year's edition will be rich in competitions and performances by MATA horses and riders, in addition to the organization of an international conference. under the theme: “Mata, space for cultural exchange of humanity”, supervised by researchers from various international and national organizations, to celebrate a heritage that has become a prerogative of promoting dialogue between cultures and civilizations in all the corners of the world.

To this end, he underlined the strengthening of links between Africa and Europe, thanks to the geographical and historical junctions between Morocco and Spain, and between the rest of the world, noting the essential role played by various press organizations who honor the festival spaces with their presence.

BARAKA underlined that the integration of the MATA intangible heritage, in the ICESCO list on behalf of Morocco, is a great historical event, achieved thanks to the High Royal Patronage, as well as of the support of the festival's partners in its various cultural, economic and social spaces and, constitutes a deserved consecration of the MATA riders and the JEBALA regions who have promoted this rich and varied ancestral cultural heritage.

The president of the festival also highlighted the distinction recently awarded in Seville, Spain, at the Mata International Horse Riding Festival, namely the prize of the Spanish historian, politician and writer Emilio Castellar, this recognition was bestowed by the great efforts made by the festival to promote the rapprochement of cultures between civilizations and nations.

The award was received by Baraka, president of the Alamia Association, in the presence of major personalities and international organizations as recognition of the cultural and national achievements of the late Sidi Abdelhadi Baraka, Dean of the Alamiyin chorfas.

He further emphasized the attachment to the spiritual tradition that the festival perpetuates for the Chorfas Alamiyines and the followers of the Tarika Machichiya Chadiliya, inspiring men of thought, religion, culture, art and political, present during this festival, to spread the values bequeathed by the great Quotb Moulay Abdeslam Ibn Machich in the world, while inviting a prayer for peace, in zones of conflict and war, particularly between the Palestinians and the Israelis, Ukrainians and Russians, while affirming that the Chorfas Alamiyines and the followers of the Tarika Machichiya Chadiliya, are under the guidance of the Moroccan monarch.

The president of the MATA International Equestrian Festival also indicated that the program for this year's edition will be rich in competitions and performances by MATA horses and riders, in addition to the organization of an international conference under the theme: “Mata, space for cultural exchange of humanity”, supervised by researchers from various international and national organizations, to celebrate a heritage that has become a prerogative of promoting dialogue between cultures and civilizations in all the corners of the world.